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Logo Nematech


Ontwikkel een logo voor een start-up die focust op 3 verschillende onderdelen uit de palletindustrie:
– Robotics
– Nailing
– Repair
Speerpunten uit het businessplan zijn het verhogen van de productie, het bieden van bewezen technische oplossingen en minder verspilling door hergebruik.

De oplossing

In onze aanpak lag de primaire focus op de sterke punten aan de hand van het business plan en de missie en visie:
Missie: Nematech, the solution for business excellence
Visie: A Nematech solution in every business

De missie en visie combineerden we met de speerpunten uit het businessplan om de richting te bepalen. Daarnaast hebben we goed gekeken naar de uitstraling van collegabedrijven, waardoor we een duidelijk onderscheidend logo hebben kunnen creëren.



Nematech Robotics: ABB FANUC


Nematech Nailing: Corali - Cape
Nematech Nailing: Storti


Nematech Repair: Cekamon

Except for Cekamon, they all use straight, capital letters. None of them use a font with contrast or lowercase. To stand out from the competition it might be an idea to use a font with some contrast.


Nematech Customers/Clients

The company’s from Northern Europe use text logo’s composed of rounded letter forms, where others use an styled picture of pallet in their logo. Combining those two approaches might be an ideal way.

We like the clever way versowood is linking wood/trees to their logo by simply letting 
the ‘e’ and ‘d’ look like plants/organic objects.


Mission: Nematech, the solution for business excellence
Vision: A Nematech solution in every business

Most important keywords: Solution / Excellence / Business

Also noted in the business plan:
– increased production output
– environmental awareness
– providing technical up-to-date solutions/proven technology
– automation (robotics)

Color Psychology

1. Solution    2. Excellence    3. Business

Nematech Color Psychology


– Use a font style that differs from the competition
– Combine letter logo with some abstract image of focus group
– Use colors that are in line with mission/vision


– 3 lines for the three different product groups Nematech focuses on + stylistic pallet/production line
– lines combined with the italic letterform creates a dynamic appearance, focus forward, speeding up production
– rounded and lowercase letterform for friendly appearance — operators are still human 😉
– Background color around logo can be used as a black or yellow label on Nematech machinery
– strong contrast in yellow / black for bold appearance
• Yellow: Energy / wisdom & logic / communication of new ideas / Optimism
• Black: Power / Elegance / Strength
• Combination: Yellow with black provides a signalling function

Logo Nematech
Huisstijlmiddelen Nematech